Deploying with Helm

To deploy an application using Helm rather than the deployment service use this Helm chart.


  • The Activiti Enterprise infrastructure is deployed in Kubernetes.

Create a namespace

An application requires a Kubernetes namespace that contains a Quay secret to pull images from and a valid Activiti Enterprise license.

  1. Create a Kubernetes namespace for the application.

  2. Install a Quay secret into the Docker registry of the namespace:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry quay-registry-secret     --docker-username="${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER}"     --docker-password="${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"     --docker-email="${DOCKER_REGISTRY_EMAIL}"
  3. Install a valid license secret into the Kubernetes namespace:

    kubectl create secret     generic licenseaps --from-file activiti.lic

(Optional) Create custom image

The application runtime bundle can be replaced with a custom Docker image. The definition XML and JSON files for processes, forms, DMN and scripts need to be placed in the relevant folders.

  1. Clone the example runtime bundle repository:

    git clone
  2. Clear out the example files in the directories under the /project/ folder and insert the XML process definitions and JSON process extension files for the new application in their place.

  3. Edit the Dockerfile and set the location of where the XML and JSON files will be located in the created image. The default is maven/processes.

  4. Update the value of {DOCKER_REGISTRY} in the file to point to the Docker registry of the Kubernetes namespace.

  5. Create and push the image using the following command:

    export DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=<branch>

Set Helm chart values

The Helm chart values require updating to point to the correct custom image and Kubernetes namespace.

  1. Clone the Helm chart:

    git clone
  2. Update the values.yaml file in /helm/alfresco-process-application/ replacing the values with those relevant to the application deployment:

    1. Update the gateway and identity hosts and the domain name of the Kubernetes cluster.

    2. If using a custom image then replace the location of the service with those pushed to the Docker registry. The following is an example of where to update the application runtime bundle location:

        enabled: true
        tag: "master"
    3. (Optional) To use an external database instance:

      1. Set the default Postgres database image to enabled: false:

          enabled: false
            cpu: 350m
            memory: 512Mi
      2. Specify the details of the external database instance for each service using extraEnv, for example:

        extraEnv: |
          - name: SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL
            value: "jdbc:postgresql://"
            value: "aae"
            value: "password"
            value: "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"

Configure a client in the Identity Service

A client needs to be created in the Identity Service as the application is deployed. Clients can also be updated or deleted by following the same process.

  1. Create a file called application.json that contains the following information and place it in the route of the Helm chart project:

    • The client name specified in the file must match the name of the Helm chart when it is deployed.

    • The ACTIVITI_ADMIN and ACTIVITI_USER roles must contain at least one user or group each.

    "name": "orders-application",
    "security" : [ {
        "role" : "ACTIVITI_ADMIN",
        "users" : [ "superadminuser", "hradmin" ],
        "groups": []
        "role" : "ACTIVITI_USER",
        "users" : [ "hruser" ],
        "groups": []

Note: hruser, hradmin and superadminuser are users that exist in the default realm supplied with Activiti Enterprise. If using a custom realm, the users must already exist within the realm before moving onto the next step.

  1. Run the following command to create, update or delete the image:

    • Update {identity-service-url} with the URL of the Identity Service in the Activiti Enterprise deployment.
    • Update {action} with the action to take on the client. The possible options are create, update and delete. The default is create.
    docker run -it --rm --env KEYCLOAK_AUTHSERVERURL={identity-service-url} --env ACT_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_APP=admin-cli --env ACT_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_USER=client --env ACT_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_PASSWORD=client --env ACTIVITI_KEYCLOAK_CLI_COMMAND={action}
    --volume "$PWD":/tmp/app /tmp/app/application.json

Deploy using Helm

Once everything has been configured, the following command can be run to deploy the application with a few variables set:

helm upgrade name ./helm/alfresco-process-application --install --set --namespace=namespace

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