Content models

Content models describe how data should be stored in the content repository and the metadata that can be associated to the content and folders within a model.

Each model is identified by a unique namespace, prefix and name and made up of custom types, aspects, properties and constraints.

Content model diagram

Modeling content models

To create and manage content models users require the ACTIVITI_MODELER role and to also be part of the ALFRESCO_MODEL_ADMINISTRATORS group in Alfresco Content Services (ACS).

Content models have a status of Active or Inactive which can be changed by selecting the action to Activate or Deactivate a model.

  • Active content models can have their types and aspects applied to files and folders within ACS.
  • Inactive content models cannot have their types and aspects applied to files and folders within ACS.

Note An active content model cannot be made inactive if there are files and folders with its types and aspects applied anywhere in ACS.

The properties for a content model are:

NamespaceA namespace unique within the repository for the content model to sit under. This ensures that all custom types, aspects and properties are also unique within the repository. Namespaces can only contain alphanumeric characters and must be URIs.
PrefixAn abbreviation of the namespace of a content model to refer to types and aspects without needing to use the full namespace. Prefixes can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.fin-accYes
NameThe name of the content model. Content model names can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.Financial Accounts ModelYes
CreatorThe author of the model. The default value is the currently signed in user.hruserNo
DescriptionA free text description of what the content model is forA content model for recording financial accounts records.No

Custom types

Custom types set the properties and relationships that a file of that type can support. Custom types can inherit the properties of a parent type. Content and Folder are two example types that are already defined in ACS.

The properties for a custom type are:

NameThe name of the custom type. Custom type names can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.supplier-invoiceYes
Parent typeA parent type for the custom type. All properties and aspects assigned to the parent are inherited by the
TitleA display label for the custom type that will be displayed to usersSupplier InvoiceNo
DescriptionA free text description of what the custom types is forAn invoice received from a supplier.No

Custom types are stored as JSON, for example:

  "parentName": "cm:content",
  "name": "supplier-invoice",
  "prefixedName": "fin-acc:supplier-invoice",
  "description": "An invoice received from a supplier.",
  "title": "Supplier Invoice",
  "properties": []


Aspects are a collection of properties that can be used to describe data and behaviour. A file must be of one type, however it can have multiple aspects attached to it. Classifiable and Versionable are two example aspects that are already defined in ACS.

The properties for an aspect are:

NameThe name of the custom aspect. Custom aspect names can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.isArchivableYes
TitleA display label for the custom aspect that will be displayed to usersArchivableNo
DescriptionA free text description of what the custom aspect is forThe status of the document for archiving purposes.No

Aspects are stored as JSON, for example:

  "name": "isArchivable",
  "prefixedName": "fin-acc:isArchivable",
  "description": "The status of the document for archiving purposes.",
  "title": "Archivable",
  "properties": []


Properties are the metadata that describe content. Author is an example property that is already defined in ACS used for specifying who wrote the content.

Properties can be assigned to a custom type or an aspect. Select which type or aspect to create the property under before creating it.

The properties for properties are:

NameThe name of the property. Property names can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.datePaidYes
TitleA display label for the property that will be displayed to usersDate PaidNo
DescriptionA free text description of what the property is forThe date the invoice was paid.No
Data typeThe data type of the property. See the following table for a list of data types.d:dateNo
MandatorySet whether the property is mandatoryfalseNo
MultipleSet whether the property can contain multiple valuesfalseNo
Default valueSet a default value for the propertyNo

The data types for properties are:

Data typeDescription
d:textA sequence of characters
d:mltextA multilingual sequence of characters containing localized representations
d:intA positive whole number
d:floatA float value
d:doubleA double value generally used for decimal values
d:dateA specific date in the format DD-MM-YYYY
d:datetimeA specific date and time
d:booleanA value of either true or false

Properties are stored as JSON, for example:

  "name": "datePaid",
  "prefixedName": "fin-acc:datePaid",
  "title": "Date Paid",
  "description": "The date the invoice was paid.",
  "dataType": "d:date",
  "facetable": "UNSET",
  "indexTokenisationMode": "TRUE",
  "multiValued": false,
  "mandatoryEnforced": false,
  "mandatory": false,
  "indexed": true

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