Displays content from an ACS repository.

See it live: Viewer Quickstart


Basic usage

Using with node id:


Using with shared link:


Note that if you have a URL which contains a shared link ID, you should extract the ID portion and use it with the sharedLinkId property rather than using the whole URL with urlFile.


The Alfresco Viewer component lets you transclude content for the toolbar (and toolbar buttons), the sidebar, thumbnails, and the "Open with" and "More actions" menus. See the Custom layout section for full details of all available tranclusions.

Class members


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
allowDownloadbooleantrueToggles downloading.
allowFullScreenbooleantrueToggles the 'Full Screen' feature.
allowGoBackbooleantrueAllows back navigation
allowLeftSidebarbooleanfalseAllow the left the sidebar.
allowNavigatebooleanfalseToggles before/next navigation. You can use the arrow buttons to navigate between documents in the collection.
allowPrintbooleanfalseToggles printing.
allowRightSidebarbooleanfalseAllow the right sidebar.
canNavigateBeforebooleantrueToggles the "before" ("<") button. Requires allowNavigate to be enabled.
canNavigateNextbooleantrueToggles the next (">") button. Requires allowNavigate to be enabled.
maxRetriesnumber30Number of times the Viewer will retry fetching content Rendition. There is a delay of at least one second between attempts.
nodeIdstringnullNode Id of the file to load.
overlayModebooleanfalseIf true then show the Viewer as a full page over the current content. Otherwise fit inside the parent div.
sharedLinkIdstringnullShared link id (to display shared file).
showLeftSidebarbooleanfalseToggles left sidebar visibility. Requires allowLeftSidebar to be set to true.
showRightSidebarbooleanfalseToggles right sidebar visibility. Requires allowRightSidebar to be set to true.
showToolbarbooleantrueHide or show the toolbar
showViewerbooleantrueHide or show the viewer
sidebarLeftTemplateTemplateRef<any>nullThe template for the left sidebar. The template context contains the loaded node data.
sidebarRightTemplateTemplateRef<any>nullThe template for the right sidebar. The template context contains the loaded node data.
versionIdstringnullVersion Id of the file to load.


invalidSharedLinkEventEmitter<any>Emitted when the shared link used is not valid.
navigateBeforeEventEmitter<KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent>Emitted when user clicks 'Navigate Before' ("<") button.
navigateNextEventEmitter<KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent>Emitted when user clicks 'Navigate Next' (">") button.
showViewerChangeEventEmitter<boolean>Emitted when the viewer close

Keyboard shortcuts

EscClose the viewer (overlay mode only).
LeftInvoke 'Navigate before' action.
RightInvoke 'Navigate next' action.
Ctrl+FActivate full-screen mode.


Integrating with the Document List component

Below is the most simple integration of the Viewer and Document List components within your custom component:



The component controller class implementation might look like the following:

export class OverlayViewerComponent {

    showViewer: boolean = false;

    nodeId: string;

    showPreview(event) {
        if (event.value.entry.isFile) {
            this.nodeId = event.value.entry.id;
            this.showViewer = true;

Supported file formats

The Alfresco Viewer component consists of separate Views that handle particular file types or type families based on either a file extension or a mime type:

  • PDF View
    • application/pdf
    • *.pdf
  • Image View
    • image/png
    • image/jpeg
    • image/gif
    • image/bmp
    • image/svg+xml
    • *.png
    • *.jpg
    • *.jpeg
    • *.gif
    • *.bpm
    • *.svg
  • Text View
    • text/plain
    • text/csv
    • text/xml
    • text/html
    • application/x-javascript
    • *.txt
    • *.xml
    • *.js
    • *.html
    • *.json
    • *.ts
  • Media View
    • video/mp4
    • video/webm
    • video/ogg
    • audio/mpeg
    • audio/ogg
    • audio/wav
    • *.wav
    • *.mp4
    • *.mp3
    • *.webm
    • *.ogg

Content Renditions

For those extensions and mime types that cannot be natively displayed in the browser, the Viewer will try to fetch the corresponding rendition using the renditions service api.

For the full list of supported types please refer to: File types that support preview and thumbnail generation.

Configuring PDF.js library

Configure your webpack-enabled application with the PDF.js library as follows.

  1. Install pdfjs-dist
npm install pdfjs-dist
  1. Update vendors.ts by appending the following code. This will enable the Alfresco Viewer component and compatibility mode for all browsers. It will also configure the web worker for the PDF.js library to render PDF files in the background:
// PDF.js
const pdfjsLib = require('pdfjs-dist');
pdfjsLib.PDFJS.workerSrc = './pdf.worker.js';
  1. Update the plugins section of the webpack.common.js file with the following lines:
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
        from: 'node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.js',
        to: 'pdf.worker.js'

Extending the Viewer

Internal extension mechanism

The Viewer supports dynamically-loaded viewer preview extensions, to know more about it Preview Extension component. This

Code extension mechanism]

You can define your own custom handler to handle other file formats that are not yet supported by the Alfresco Viewer component. Below is an example that shows how to use the adf-viewer-extension to handle 3D data files:

<adf-alfresco-viewer [nodeId]="nodeId">
    <adf-viewer-extension [supportedExtensions]="['obj','3ds']" #extension>
        <ng-template let-urlFileContent="urlFileContent" let-extension="extension">


Note: you need to add the ng2-3d-editor dependency to your package.json file to make the example above work.

You can define multiple adf-viewer-extension templates if required:

<adf-alfresco-viewer [nodeId]="nodeId">

    <adf-viewer-extension [supportedExtensions]="['xls','xlsx']" #extension>
        <ng-template let-urlFileContent="urlFileContent">

    <adf-viewer-extension [supportedExtensions]="['txt']" #extension>
        <ng-template let-urlFileContent="urlFileContent" >               

Custom layout

The Alfresco Viewer Component lets you transclude custom content in several different places as explained in the sections below.

Custom toolbar

You can replace the standard viewer toolbar with your own custom implementation:


Everything you put inside the "adf-alfresco-viewer-toolbar" tags will be rendered instead of the standard toolbar.

Custom toolbar buttons

If you are happy with the custom toolbar's behaviour but want to add some extra buttons then you can do so as shown in the following example:

        <button mat-icon-button>
        <button mat-icon-button>
        <button mat-icon-button>

The result should look like this:

Custom Toolbar Actions

Custom sidebar

The Alfresco Viewer Component also supports custom sidebar components and layouts. Set the allowRightSidebar property to true to enable this feature.

The custom sidebar can be injected in two different ways. The first way is to use transclusion, which will display all content placed inside the <adf-alfresco-viewer-sidebar> element:

<adf-alfresco-viewer [allowRightSidebar]="true">
        <h1>My info</h1>

The second way to customize the sidebar is to use template injection but note that this only works when using the viewer with nodeId.

<ng-template let-node="node" #sidebarTemplate>
    <adf-content-metadata-card [node]="node"></adf-content-metadata-card>
<adf-alfresco-viewer [allowRightSidebar]="true" [sidebarRightTemplate]="sidebarTemplate"></adf-alfresco-viewer>

Custom thumbnails

The PDF viewer comes with its own default list of thumbnails but you can replace this by providing a custom template and binding to the context property viewer to access the PDFJS.PDFViewer instance.

PDF thumbnails

Provide the custom template as in the following example:

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'custom-thumbnails',
    template: '<p> Custom Thumbnails Component </p>'
class CustomThumbnailsComponent {
    @Input() pdfViewer: any;

<ng-template #customThumbnailsTemplate let-pdfViewer="viewer">
    <custom-thumbnails [pdfViewer]="pdfViewer"></custom-thumbnails>

<adf-alfresco-viewer [thumbnailsTemplate]="customThumbnailsTemplate"></adf-alfresco-viewer>

Custom "Open With" menu

You can enable a custom "Open With" menu by providing at least one action inside the adf-alfresco-viewer-open-with tag:

<adf-alfresco-viewer [nodeId]="nodeId">

        <button mat-menu-item>
            <span>Option 1</span>
        <button mat-menu-item disabled>
            <span>Option 2</span>
        <button mat-menu-item>
            <span>Option 3</span>


Open with

Custom "More actions" menu

You can enable a custom "More actions" menu by providing at least one action inside the adf-alfresco-viewer-more-actions tag:

<adf-alfresco-viewer [nodeId]="nodeId">

        <button mat-menu-item>
            <span>Action One</span>
        <button mat-menu-item disabled>
            <span>Action Two</span>
        <button mat-menu-item>
            <span>Action Three</span>


More actions

Custom zoom scaling

You can set a default zoom scaling value for pdf viewer by adding the following code in app.config.json. Note: For the pdf viewer the value has to be within the range of 25 - 1000.

"adf-alfresco-viewer": { "pdf-viewer-scaling": 150 }

In the same way you can set a default zoom scaling value for the image viewer by adding the following code in app.config.json.

"adf-alfresco-viewer": { "image-viewer-scaling": 150 }

By default the viewer's zoom scaling is set to 100%.


You can configure the Viewer to let the user print the displayed content. The component will show a "Print" button if the allowPrint property is set to true.

<adf-alfresco-viewer [allowPrint]="true">

You can also use the print event to get notification when the user prints some content.

See also

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