Implements a search widget for the Search Filter component.

Date Range Widget

Basic usage

    "search": {
        "categories": [
                "id": "createdDateRange",
                "name": "Created Date (range)",
                "enabled": true,
                "component": {
                    "selector": "date-range",
                    "settings": {
                        "field": "cm:created"


fieldstringField to apply the query to. Required value
dateFormatstringDate format. Dates used by the datepicker are Moment.js instances, so you can use any date format supported by Moment. Default is 'DD/MM/YYYY'.
maxDatestringA fixed date or the string "today" that will set the maximum searchable date. Default is no maximum.
hideDefaultActionbooleanShow/hide the widget actions. By default is false.


This component lets the user select a range between two dates based on the particular field. See the Search filter component for full details of how to use widgets in a search query.

Custom date format

You can set the date range picker to work with any date format your app requires. You can use any date format supported by Moment.js in the dateFormat and in the maxDate setting:

    "search": {
        "categories": [
                "id": "createdDateRange",
                "name": "Created Date (range)",
                "enabled": true,
                "component": {
                    "selector": "date-range",
                    "settings": {
                        "field": "cm:created",
                        "dateFormat": "DD-MMM-YY",
                        "maxDate": "02-Mar-20"

See also

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