Display a dialog that allows to upload new file version or to manage the current node versions.

Class members


  • openUploadNewVersionDialog(data: NewVersionUploaderDialogData, config: MatDialogConfig): Observable
    Opens a dialog to upload new file version or to manage current node versions
    • data: NewVersionUploaderDialogData - The data to pass to the dialog
    • config: MatDialogConfig - A configuration object that allows to override default dialog configuration
    • selectorAutoFocusedOnClose: string - Element's selector which should be autofocused after closing modal
    • Returns Observable - Observable which you can subscribe in order to get information about the dialog actions or error notification in case of error condition.


You can open dialog in two different ways:

Upload New Version

The dialog shows

  • a side by side comparison between the current target node (type, name, icon) and the new file that should update it's version
  • the new version's minor/major changes
  • the optional comment
  • a button to upload a new file version Upload new version image

Usage example:

import { NewVersionUploaderService } from '@alfresco/adf-content-services'

constructor(private newVersionUploaderService: NewVersionUploaderService){}

    const newVersionUploaderDialogData: NewVersionUploaderDialogData = {
        (data: NewVersionUploaderData) => {
            // place your action here on operation success!
        (error) => {
            // place your action here on operation error!

Manage Versions

Setting showVersionsOnly to true the dialog displays the version history of a node, with the ability to restore, delete and view version of the current node Manage versions image

Usage example:

import { NewVersionUploaderService } from '@alfresco/adf-content-services'

constructor(private newVersionUploaderService: NewVersionUploaderService){}

    const newVersionUploaderDialogData: NewVersionUploaderDialogData = {
        showVersionsOnly: true
        (data: NewVersionUploaderData) => {
            // place your action here on operation success!

See Also

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