Renders a list containing all the tasks matched by the parameters specified.


Basic Usage

    [appName]="'APPLICATION-NAME'" >


Any content inside an <adf-custom-empty-content> sub-component will be shown when the task list is empty:

        Your Content

Class members


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
actionsPositionstring"right"Position of the actions dropdown menu. Can be "left" or "right".
appNamestring""The name of the application.
assigneestring""The assignee of the process. Possible values are: "assignee" (the current user is the assignee), "candidate" (the current user is a task candidate", "group_x" (the task is assigned to a group where the current user is a member, no value (the current user is involved).
candidateGroupIdstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with candidateGroups equal to the supplied value.
completedBynumberFilter the tasks. Display only tasks with createdBy equal to the supplied value.
completedDatestring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with completedDate equal to the supplied date.
completedFromstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with completedFrom equal to the supplied date.
completedTostring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with completedTo equal to the supplied date.
createdDateDateFilter the tasks. Display only tasks created on the supplied date.
createdFromstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with createdFrom equal to the supplied date.
createdTostring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with createdTo equal to the supplied date.
dueDateDateFilter the tasks. Display only tasks with dueDate equal to the supplied date.
dueDateFromstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with dueDate greater or equal than the supplied date.
dueDateTostring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with dueDate less or equal to the supplied date.
environmentIdstringFilter the tasks to display only the ones with this environment ID.
idstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with id equal to the supplied value.
isResizingEnabledbooleanfalseToggles main datatable column resizing feature.
lastModifiedFromstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with lastModifiedFrom equal to the supplied date.
lastModifiedTostring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with lastModifiedTo equal to the supplied date.
multiselectbooleanfalseToggles multiple row selection, rendering a checkbox at the beginning of each row.
namestring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with the supplied name.
ownerstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with owner equal to the supplied value.
parentTaskIdstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with parentTaskId equal to the supplied value.
presetColumnstringCustom preset column schema in JSON format.
prioritynumberFilter the tasks. Display only tasks with priority equal to the supplied value.
processDefinitionIdstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with processDefinitionId equal to the supplied value.
processDefinitionNamestring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with processDefinitionName equal to the supplied value.
processInstanceIdstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with processInstanceId equal to the supplied value.
selectionModestring"single"Row selection mode. Can be none, single or multiple. For multiple mode, you can use the Cmd (macOS) or Ctrl (Win) modifier key to toggle selection for multiple rows.
showActionsbooleanfalseToggles the data actions column.
showContextMenubooleanfalseToggles custom context menu for the component.
showMainDatatableActionsbooleanfalseToggles main datatable actions.
sortingTaskListCloudSortingModel[]Specifies how the table should be sorted. The parameters are for BE sorting.
standalonebooleanfalseFilter the tasks. Display only the tasks that belong to a process in case is false or tasks that doesn't belong to a process in case of true.
statusstring""Filter the tasks. Display only tasks with status equal to the supplied value.
stickyHeaderbooleanfalseToggles the sticky header mode.


errorEventEmitter<any>Emitted when an error occurs.
executeRowActionEventEmitter<DataRowActionEvent>Emitted when the user executes a row action.
rowClickEventEmitter<string>Emitted when a task in the list is clicked
rowsSelectedEventEmitter<any[]>Emitted when rows are selected/unselected
showRowActionsMenuEventEmitter<DataCellEvent>Emitted before the actions menu is displayed for a row.
showRowContextMenuEventEmitter<DataCellEvent>Emitted before the context menu is displayed for a row.
successEventEmitter<any>Emitted when the task list is loaded


This component displays lists of tasks related to the application name insterted. Extra filtering can be provided by applying extra input parameters.

Setting the column schema

You can use an HTML-based schema declaration to set a column schema for the tasklist as shown below:

<adf-cloud-task-list ...>
        <data-column key="name" title="NAME" class="full-width name-column"></data-column>
        <data-column key="created" title="Created" class="hidden"></data-column>

You can also set a static custom schema declaration in app.config.json as shown below:

"adf-cloud-task-list": {
        "presets": {
            "customSchema": [
                    "key": "name",
                    "type": "text",
                    "title": "name",
                    "sortable": true
            "default": [
                    "key": "name",
                    "type": "text",
                    "title": "name",
                    "sortable": true

You can use an HTML-based schema and an app.config.json custom schema declaration at the same time:

"adf-cloud-task-list": {
        "presets": {
            "customSchema": [
                    "key": "id",
                    "type": "text",
                    "title": "Id",
                    "sortable": true
            "default": [
                    "key": "name",
                    "type": "text",
                    "title": "name",
                    "sortable": true
        <data-column key="assignee" title="Assignee" class="full-width name-column">
            <ng-template let-entry="$implicit">

Setting Sorting Order for the list

You can specify a sorting order as shown in the example below:

let sorting = { orderBy: 'created', direction: 'desc' };

Pagination strategy

The Tasklist also supports pagination as shown in the example below:

<adf-cloud-task-list #taskCloud
<adf-pagination [target]="taskCloud"

DataTableAdapter example

See the DataTableAdapter page for full details of the interface and its standard implementation, ObjectDataTableAdapter. Below is an example of how you can set up the adapter for a typical tasklist.

 {"type": "text", "key": "id", "title": "Id"},
 {"type": "text", "key": "name", "title": "Name", "cssClass": "full-width name-column", "sortable": true},
 {"type": "text", "key": "formKey", "title": "Form Key", "sortable": true},
 {"type": "text", "key": "created", "title": "Created", "sortable": true}

DataColumn Features

You can customize the styling of a column and also add features like tooltips and automatic translation of column titles. See the DataColumn page for more information about these features.

showRowContextMenu event

Emitted before the context menu is displayed for a row.

Note that the TaskListCloudComponent itself does not populate the context menu with items. You can provide all necessary content via the handler.


Event properties:

value: {
    row: DataRow,
    col: DataColumn,
    actions: []

Handler example:

onShowRowContextMenu(event: DataCellEvent) {
    event.value.actions = [
        {  title: 'Hello Context Action' },
        { ... }

task list cloud context menu

This event is cancellable. You can use event.preventDefault() to prevent the default behavior.

The TaskListCloudComponent will automatically render the supplied menu items.

See the ContextMenu documentation for more details on the format and behavior of context actions.

showRowActionsMenu event

Emitted before the actions menu is displayed for a row. Requires the actions property to be set to true.

Event properties:

value: {
    row: DataRow,
    action: any

Note that the TaskListCloudComponent itself does not populate the action menu with items. You can provide all necessary content via the handler.

This event is cancellable. You can use event.preventDefault() to prevent the default behavior.

executeRowAction event

Emitted when the user executes a row action.

This usually accompanies a showRowActionsMenu event. The TaskListCloudComponent itself does not execute actions but provides support for external integration. If actions are provided using the showRowActionsMenu event then executeRowAction will be automatically executed when the user clicks a corresponding menu item.

import { DataCellEvent, DataRowActionEvent } from '@alfresco/adf-core';

onShowRowActionsMenu(event: DataCellEvent) {
    let myAction = {
        title: 'Hello Action'
        // your custom metadata needed for onExecuteRowAction
    event.value.actions = [

onExecuteRowAction(event: DataRowActionEvent) {
    let args = event.value;
    window.alert(`My custom action: ${args.action.title}`);

task list cloud action menu

You can use any payloads for row actions. The only requirement for the objects is that they must have a title property.

When an action is selected in the dropdown menu, the TaskListCloudComponent invokes the executeRowAction event. Use this to handle the response, inspect the action payload (and all custom properties defined earlier), and perform the corresponding actions.

See also

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