Creating your Alfresco JavaScript application

In this tutorial you will learn how to create an application in JavaScript from scratch to interact with Alfresco.

This is a "getting started" task that should enable you to start developing your own JavaScript application on top of Alfresco Content Services or Alfresco Process Services.

The tutorial uses Alfresco Content Services for demonstration purposes, but development on top of Alfresco Process Services follows exactly the same principles.

Note: You can develop for Alfresco Content Services AND Alfresco Process Services together but with the only limitations introduced by CORS. If you want to develop for both services then you might need to proxy your application first.


The only prerequisite of this tutorial is that an instance of Alfresco Content Services in a Docker container should be available. Docker is not the only option for deployment, but its simplicity allows us to focus more on the development of the environment setup.

You will need the npm client to download the requested Node libraries.

Creating the JavaScript application

Assuming that you have your Alfresco Content Services instance up and running at http://localhost:8082/alfresco, let's see here how to develop a JavaScript application from scratch. The JavaScript application will be able to interact with Alfresco back-end services using the alfresco-js-api library. This library does not necessarily have to be used with Angular applications since it is "framework agnostic".

Before starting the development of the source code, create a local folder called my-js-app that will contain the entire JavaScript application.

Creating the index.html file

Inside the my-js-app folder, create the index.html file with the following content:


        <script src="node_modules/alfresco-js-api/dist/alfresco-js-api.js"></script>
        <script >

            this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({ provider:'ECM', hostEcm: 'http://localhost:8082' });

            this.alfrescoJsApi.login('admin', 'admin').then(function (data) {
                alert('API called successfully to login into Alfresco Content Services.');
            }, function (error) {


        <h1>Hello World!</h1>


As you can see, the content describes a very simple and basic HTML + JavaScript page, containing the source code to log into Alfresco Content Services at the URL http://localhost:8082/alfresco.

All the magic happens because of the inclusion (and use) of the alfresco-js-api.js library.

Adding the alfresco-js-api library

To install the alfresco-js-api.js library: open a terminal, move into the my-js-app folder and run the following command.

npm install --save alfresco-js-api

Once launched, the command downloads the numerous files of the library into the node_modules folder.

Note: npm will create a package-lock.json file into the root folder of your project during execution. This file won't be used and you can safely ignore it.

Believe it or not, this is all you need to develop a (very basic) JavaScript application on top of Alfresco Content Services.

Deploying the application

Now that the JavaScript application is created, the next step is to deploy it to the HTTP Server for use. To avoid the CORS issue, for the purpose of this tutorial, the app will be deployed into the same instance of Apache Tomcat used by Alfresco Content Services. This setup is not ideal for production use but it is the fastest way we could find to show the results for the tutorial.

To deploy the my-js-app application into the Alfresco Content Services Docker container, open a terminal and launch the following commands from inside the my-js-app folder:

// List the active containers into your environment.
docker container ls

// Copy the CONTAINER_ID of the image with name 'alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-community:...'.

// Open a shell into the container.
docker exec -i -t <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash

// Create the 'my-js-app' folder into the Tomcat's webapps folder.
mkdir webapps/my-js-app

// Back to the host's shell.

// Copy the 'my-js-app' folder into the Tomcat's webapps folder.
docker cp ../my-js-app <CONTAINER_ID>:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps

This is all you need to deploy the JavaScript application into the same Tomcat instance as Alfresco Content Services.

The JavaScript application in action

To see the JavaScript application in action, open a browser at http://localhost:8082/my-js-app. You should see something like the following screenshot:


Of course this is a very basic example to show how to develop a JavaScript application (not necessarily an Angular application) interacting with Alfresco Back-end Services using the alfresco-js-api library.

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